Drone, &

Grab them by the emotions

Story Telling Sells

Stock photos and video harm your business.  Families know they are not real.  This creates a hindrance to building the trust you need to earn a family’s confidence at one of life’s most delicate and difficult times. Help them trust you.

A professional approach that sets you apart

Photo, Video, & Drone

Brian Kramer and Gregory Medcalf share how past photography, videography. and drone teams couldn't compare to our attention to detail and experience. It is an investment in showing your quality and building credibility with families.
Detailed Preparation
Professional Quality
Differentiation From Competitors
Don't gamble with your image

Choose Professionals

Anyone can point a camera. Story telling is an art. You can stand in front of a camera and improvise, or you can have Outcompete structure stories that resonate with what matters to families. The difference is astonishing.
Expert Story Tellers
Real Emotions
Authentic Impact
Families cannot choose what they cannot see

Showcase Services

Many families assume providers do mostly the same thing and the real difference is price. Outcompete can show them how you are not the same and open their eyes to options they did not know were available.
Show Possibilities
Help Families See Your Difference
Demonstrate The Value of Your Services
online reviews brought to life

Local Testimonials

Everyone knows people value online reviews when deciding to whom they can entrust the care of a loved one. But who are those people? Nothing is more compelling than a family explaining your care, inside your business.
Real Stories and Voices
Gives Families More Confidence
Relatable Experiences Help Families Choose You
Let Families Tell your story

Brand Ambassadors

You can stand in front of a camera, go on TV, and tell the community you are family-owned, or you can let families say and share moment that resonate with viewers that see your ads.
The Ultimate Social Proof
Valuable for Building Trust
Helps Get Families to Consider More Than Price

What Outcompete offers, no one can match. The response from our families has been tremendous.

Robert Carmical
Money & King Funeral Home and Cremation, Owner
Our Testimonials

What Our Customers are Saying

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