A small percentage of Funeral Homes around the nation now have an on-staff Comfort Companion or Grief Therapy Animal. However, many of these animals are only seen inside the firm itself. Our team encouraged Ballard-Durand Funeral & Cremation Services to host educational events at local Elementary and Middle Schools, and Senior Living Facilities regarding grief and the purpose of Ballard-Durand’s Comfort Companion, Lulu.
Having been in the community for almost 20 years, Owner Matthew Fiorillo was able to establish new connections and relationships with Principles, Guidance Counselors, Teachers and other members of the school board he never thought possible.
A plushie, resembling the Golden Doodle wearing a Ballard-Durand branded bandanna was also created. This gave children the opportunity to take their own Lulu home after a service or an educational event – which allows Ballard-Durand to support those in need in the community in their own home.
Business Cards for Lulu were also developed, featuring information on how to “Request Lulu” for an educational event throughout the community.
Hosting educational events using, Lulu gave Ballard-Durand the opportunity to establish new relationships and lines of communications with community leaders.
“Before these events I had only known these people (community leaders) in passing, seeing them at a service or at local gatherings – Now, I have their phone numbers. Lulu has opened a lot of doors for Ballard-Durand in the community and made our preexisting relationships even stronger. The Lulu plushies have a wonderful impact on the youth. Through the plushie of Lulu, Ballard-Durand is able to comfort them in their own home.”